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One kg rice-37. Food given to Children-completed . Feeding Migrant workers in Bengaluru- update.

iGiver Journey – week #42

Dear iGivers

The COVID numbers has gone down. But the economic hardships of people, especially from the lower strata is still very bad. All the campaigns run by kind hearted groups are but a drop in the ocean. Each one of us have to help at least one person. Look around, reach out!. To your newspaper boy, milkman, anyone. The spirit of iGiver is to create 6 Billion givers. That day there will be no one to receive, for their wont be a want.

Relief work Updates

Happy to report 650 Delicious, Nutritious Meals served! Campaign Completed!

With the help of many Givers we are providing nutritious Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner for about 65 Children who belong to Anandha Illam, a Home setup by Dr Manorama.


Visit http://www.cheschennai.org/contact-us 

Our iGiver also found a fantastic Woman Entrepreneur who was willing to cook these meals and deliver them in this lockdown. We have to salute her. We got feedback from these lovely children that the food was very tasty as well.


Reach out to me in WhatsApp no 73582 03763 for details.

Appeal Video

Donate Rice – Feed nomadic tribes, tenants in resettlement areas, who don’t have ration cards!

In partnership with Aram Porul Foundation and Ambika Appalam Depot, iGiver is running a rice donation campaign, where you can give even 1 KG rice.

As the lockdown is extended in Tamil Nadu many have lost livelihood and savings. While the government has extended support to all the ration cardholders, there are many like migrants, nomadic tribes, tenants in resettlement areas, don’t have cards, are not covered. We would like to cover them as a priority group.
Call 637413075 0r 9282339070 WhatsApp +91 73582 03763

  • We are distributing groceries kit to families affected by COVID, who cant afford food and have no ration card, in Tamilnadu.
  • Sourcing supplies directly from Ambika Appalam DepotYour payment goes directly to Ambika Appalam
  • Payment Gateway Partner Instamojo
  • This campaign is facilitated by iGiver Platform, in-kind donation marketplace. Visit www.igiver.org

Campaign Update!

Fistful of Rice – Feed Migrants campaign by Vishranthi Trust Bengaluru

iGivers second Campaign in Bengaluru.

Happy to report that we have raised Rs 93,000/- or 45% of our target. 

Over 400 families of migrant workers are struggling without work and food. There are over 380 children who are near starvation and we definitely need to help. Your kind donation of one kit can feed a family for 3-4 weeks.

Call 9900584471

Go to our campaign page and donate https://igiver.org/fistful-of-rice/

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