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Week #16

Happy to share this beautiful video about gratitude.

Looking back on my life I realize so many people have contributed to my welfare, growth and happiness. I am not even in touch with many of them. Many of them have perhaps passed on to the great beyond. Some are blessed so much that I cannot imagine giving anything back. I am grateful to all of them. Always. That made me appreciate what ever I have. Made me believe in the abundance of Life itself.

One question I always alsked myself is how do I keep the flame alive, the flame of gratitude. I found my answer in giving. I give what I can, to whoever have a need, right in front of me. And not keep count. Not expect anything from them as what I am giving to someone now is nothing but the debt I incurred, in the past. When some one gave me unconditionally.

Like a relay race. Pass the baton, of kindness.

About iGiver
The goal of our iGiver app platform is to make Giving easy, transparent and delightful. We have an app that connects NGO and donors for In-kind donation only.


Give books, groceries, vegetables. Find who needs your help near you, through various filters, give in kind , directly, even anonymously .

We will ensure that you receive a thank you video from the NGO even if you prefer to be Anonymous.

Check us at www.igiver.org or https://www.facebook.com/iGiver
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